Sunday, November 7, 2010

Are you ready for BATTLE ?

You might hear time from time , people criticizing themselves or others at the expense of happiness. Yes, this is true at a certain point in your life no matter the age , you will find those who have the need to talk about someone else to feel good about themselves. Even though this may happen, pay no mind to the enemy.

It might be on your job, in school, at home, and even at church; so technically its no way of escaping the persecution of the enemy. As we all know in every war you have a battle plan that must be executed and acted out, in order to proclaim that ultimate victory. Us, as being Christians we have to always have our guards matter the place, time , or situation.

God's Battle Plan For Divine Victory

1. Identify the enemy.
2.Approach the enemy.
3.Starve the enemy.
4.Encourage Yourself.
5.Proclaim the Victory.

This five step process can turn your life completely around, trust me I am a living testimony that God's Battle Plan for Divine Victory works in my life each and every single day. 

I'm not going to leave you without explaining the steps in order to reach #5. So, bear with me as I go into greater detail. 

1. Identifying the enemy in this case does not necessarily have to be Satan himself. Why, because he does have people working for him , that can do just as much harm to us as he can. The enemy can be anyone, ever wondered how your day could be going so great and then one person can mess it up...BAMMMM , well you have identified the enemy. Anything or Anyone that hinders you from being happy, praising God, being comfortable, or even taking a stronghold on your mind is considered to be someone working towards the prophetic opposition of God. The Devil uses anyone so don't put your guard down , just because people might be family....

2.Approaching the enemy may seem a little out of reach , but truly it isn't. Jesus died on the cross, nearly two-thousand years ago that we wouldn't be killed by the enemy. We might be tempted, but he cant harm us. So , look steadfast upon your enemy. The best way and the most useful way according to the TD Jakes to win over the enemy is to simply not get into the ring...Why, because the devil knows your weaknesses, if your a drug attic he's gonna tempt you with drugs, if your a alcoholic, he's going to try to convince you to take another sip...see what you have to do is learn some scriptures and throw them at him.."No weapon formed against me shall prosper", "I am the head and not the tail", "Satan, I plead the blood on my life" ! Learn from the past battles that you lost that, the Word of God is just like a sword that cuts down the enemy. 

3.Starving the enemy means to simply not let him get any ammo at all. He can't tempt you if he doesn't have anything to tempt you with. This is a matter of self-discipline , meaning fighting your own battle inside your have to learn to stay away from certain things , (INCLUDING PEOPLE) who may be hindering you from God, and who instead help the devil.

4. You have to encourage yourself sometimes, speak life into your dead situations. This all comes from being accountable for your actions, learning from them , and not making the same mistakes again. Speaking to yourself, like self-motivation when things get rough at a certain point.

5. The last step is to CLAIM THE VICTORY with Jesus! He already fought his battle and won, now it's our time proclaim it in his name. . . before you even enter your spiritual battle say , "I know I'm coming out VICTORIOUSLY ! " It's all a matter of faith , and putting it to good works, like the bible says faith without works, is left void. . . 

So take these five simple steps , and proclaim your victory on a daily basis . . . if you find yourself taking the steps in not the right order its okay . . .you will still end at #5 ! 


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