Men of our current generation:
God gave us women for a GOOD reason.----- Just remember that line. See sometimes us men try to switch that statement around or to even take a word out to make it acceptable unto us. "God gave us women for a reason" is a line that most men will 100% agree with, for the sole purpose that they can fit any definition/word into "reason". MONEY, CARS, CLOTHES, BEAUTY, SEX, DRUGS, FRIENDS, PLEASURE are all reasons that could suffice for a definition when you take the "GOOD" out of the sentence. But see when you have the "GOOD" in the sentence, we seem to think were limited, and that were put on a leash. It's not being put on a leash, it's just realizing that GOD made them to help us, to support, and to love us unconditionally. And how can a woman do those things without our fair treatment of honesty, respect, love, and caring for them ?
Women of our current generation:
Don't grow weary. There are "GOOD" men out here. Those men who don't like to leave out the "GOOD" in the sentence, the one's who want to actually in fact see the "GOOD" in them. Sometimes you have to go through the bad guys, so that when GOD does give you the GOOD one, you'll realize that it was just GOD growing your appreciation for one of his righteous men. Just think its MILLIONS of men who don't live right, and who don't conform to GOD's word, but there are only a few who do..who live right, and who love right, and GOD is not going to place one of His GOOD men with you if you are not going to show Him the same respect, honesty, and trust, that you both so rightfully deserve. Just hold on, He's just putting on His armor with GOD helping Him, so when things do happen....He'll know that GOD is still in control.
Hello to all my Blog Readers, I've been M.I.A for a while..but I've felt the need lately to share some thoughts with you all. Again thank you for your support.
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