" Life is...
(what you make it) !
Friday, July 6, 2012
The Purpose in the Pain
We have all have found ourselves before in the midst of great trials and hardships in this life. If you haven't yet, than sadly you will be introduced to it sooner or later. It's something that not one of us here on Earth can avoid, even Jesus Christ found himself under scrutiny, pain, and turmoil. During these times of pain and hurt in our lives, we may start to question the "Three P's" of every situation. What's the POINT? What's the PLAN? And.. What's the PURPOSE? Fear causes us to question the things we are going through at the present time. But see faith is what tells you, "In the end, I know it's a purpose to this all." Many times we let the Devil and all of his negativity get into our minds and when we do; we become defeated, we become useless, and we become non-productive. Your circumstances and the negativity towards it will begin to question God, and the purpose of the pain that your faced with. But like it says in James 1:2-4 to "consider it pure joy when trials come into our lives because it produces faith and also perseverance." You have to start looking at your trials as "growing moments" and not so much as "circumstances." So many times we limit our victories by our outlook towards the situations we go through at the present moment. Listen to what I'm saying here: You will NEVER, I repeat NEVER be able to be victorious in this lifetime, with a defeated demeanor and attitude. What the mind thinks, the body follows. Consider your mind the leader of your attitude, your associates, and your altitude. So if you start living victoriously, triumphantly, and know that there is purpose in all the pain that we go through, those circumstances that you once considered to be the hardest times in your life will transform into moments where you have the opportunity to become a better person. Until next time...Be Blessed.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
To Give Up or To Hold On....
This is one of the most controversial topics ever do to its opinionated responses. To keep me from crossing the line I am going to stay on a broader range. In life we ask ourselves this question all the time, but yet making the choice is the harder part. We sometimes believe we would be hurting another person if it was a relationship, backtracking if it was dropping a class, or a setback with having a baby at a young age. People try to weigh out the options, but the truth is many things we put on the scale are not-balanced. So many times we focus on what others will think of us, and how they'll talk about us on the phone, facebook, and twitter. But you have to remember no matter what situation you choose to stay in or step out of, you will always be the topic of conversation. Now see when you stop getting talked about thats when you should be worried. It means your not trying anything. Holding on...should be only justified...if the thing that your holding on to is worth it. Giving up...should only be justified by...if your getting more hurt then you will be by leaving the situation..i.e.whatever it may be..So I challenge you on today before you choose which one to do...to seek God first, pray on it and about the people who will be affected, and then finally to not worry. Everythings going to be alright in the end for God's people...if its not...its not the end. Keep Going my Sister in Christ. Keep Going my Brother in Christ. Just Keep Going.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
"When Is My Time Coming..."
You woke up this morning, with a whole new attitude, a whole new persona..and you told yourself that you weren't going to let anything take your joy on today...but then all of sudden that thought pops in the back of your mind..."when will my time come, when can I stop pretending to be happy..and to really be happy?." The truth of the matter is.. that its not so much of "pretending" to be happy, but its a step of faith. Martin Luther King Jr. once quoted, "Faith is taking the first step without even seeing the staircase." Are you really taking the first step, before you see everything ? Or are you just firmly planted on the ground, not moving, and then complaining that things aren't happening ? It's a question that we have to boldly look in the mirror and ask ourselves, once in a while for some people..or everyday for others. One of the greatest mistakes we seem to do as humans is to dig ourselves into holes, and then blame everyone else for putting us down there. Don't worry, its not the end of the world if your in a ditch right now, or even if rocks and dirt are being thrown on you. .you've got to remember right after the dust settles..your going to be right where God needs you to be. Sometimes things that happen in our lives that we think are tragedies, are really blessings in diguise. So on today and every other, I challenge you to take the situations that you are in..and start looking at it from a "KINGDOM PERSPECTIVE"; that means to know that through it all, whatever happens, whoever makes you angry, to know that you face the GREATEST opposition..right before your BIGGEST BLESSING.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Are You Really In It To Win?
One question that I was always asked in football, "Are you giving it your all?" We all could ask ourselves this in situations we come in contact with on a daily basis. To give it your all means, for every desire, for every breath, and for every thought, to be dedicated to that one goal and/or purpose. Whether it be a relationship with GOD, with a person, school, your career goal, or just being a better person...you have to ask your self this constantly. Many people are just alive when they give half of something, but you start living when you give your all to a cause. Just imagine if everyone in this world was to give all there heart for something good...this world would be full of love , happiness, and less pain. But see, it starts with YOU. The more you live life with a sole purpose, the more the people around you will start to want to do the same also. It doesn't matter if you try to tell someone to start giving there all and they don't listen, what matters is..that you tell them, and you start showing them. "Giving your all" is one of the greatest things we can do for GOD. He took the time in His workshop to make every single one of us FULLY-FUNCTIONAL, and for us to be only doing things half-way...how do you think he feels ? I challenge you on today, and every other that whatever your involved in..whatever you care for, and whatever your dreams are...to really be in it to win it and not just in it..
Monday, October 24, 2011
I Can't Change All By Myself..
One of the things most people these days are scared of is, "change." Change can be a good thing for you and yet at the same time can be a bad thing in the eyes of other people. A lot of our current friends and enemies don't want us to change. For the very fact that you won't be the same person anymore, and you won't do the things you use to do. When in reality your just going to be an even better person than before. Yes, I agree it's hard to change. But the 1st step into actually changing is to admit that you can't do it on your own. The 2nd is invite Jesus Christ into your situation, and to ask Him to help you with your problems. This is a courageous thing to do, when you ask the problem -solver Himself to solve your problems; it shows your wise. So many times we get comfortable with asking other people how to correct our problems, when in fact they could be trying to set us up. The last thing to to is to "JUST DO IT" meaning to believe in your faith, believe in yourself, and believe that GOD is going to do everything He promised you. Start living your life of success starting NOW, even though things might not be looking quite easy at the moment..keep pressing to the mark, and watch things change in your life...I challenge you today, that if the situations in your life don't change...start changing the way you view the situation...count everything as a blessing.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Blessing Delayed isn't Blessing Denied...
Mostly these days so many people are getting used to living in a "hot-pocket" society. When I say that I mean the concept of sticking something in the microwave, and in seconds "BEEP" its done. We want things right now, right at the moment, right in the midst of our storms in life. We have gotten so accustomed to technology and the fast-paced world, that we are starting to think prayer and GOD works like that also. Sadly to say He doesn't. One of the best virtues a Christian can have is something called patience. Patience not only builds courage, and strength, but it grows character. A lot of people in todays world like "being characters" but they don't have character. Praying over something is one of the best weapons you can use against the enemy, and to get closer to GOD with. It's one thing the Devil will never be able to take from us. But the Devil will discourage you and tell you that..."you prayed, and nothing is happening." But thats when you stand firm, and say to yourself.."a blessing delayed does not mean a blessing denied." Meaning that I know GOD is up in heaven putting together some remarkable things for my life, and until He does those things I am going to SERVE Him...It's crazy how a blessing rushed could in fact be a curse if you get it too early..That's where we go to the subject of US making things happen, instead of letting GOD make things happen..I just want to encourage you on today, to stay strong, don't grow weary, don't worry, just keep smiling and loving the Lord with ALL your heart, and know that even if He doesn't do all you want Him to do..He is still ABLE to do it.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
A Good Man's GOD vs. A Bad Man's Motive ?

Men of our current generation:
God gave us women for a GOOD reason.----- Just remember that line. See sometimes us men try to switch that statement around or to even take a word out to make it acceptable unto us. "God gave us women for a reason" is a line that most men will 100% agree with, for the sole purpose that they can fit any definition/word into "reason". MONEY, CARS, CLOTHES, BEAUTY, SEX, DRUGS, FRIENDS, PLEASURE are all reasons that could suffice for a definition when you take the "GOOD" out of the sentence. But see when you have the "GOOD" in the sentence, we seem to think were limited, and that were put on a leash. It's not being put on a leash, it's just realizing that GOD made them to help us, to support, and to love us unconditionally. And how can a woman do those things without our fair treatment of honesty, respect, love, and caring for them ?
Women of our current generation:
Don't grow weary. There are "GOOD" men out here. Those men who don't like to leave out the "GOOD" in the sentence, the one's who want to actually in fact see the "GOOD" in them. Sometimes you have to go through the bad guys, so that when GOD does give you the GOOD one, you'll realize that it was just GOD growing your appreciation for one of his righteous men. Just think its MILLIONS of men who don't live right, and who don't conform to GOD's word, but there are only a few who do..who live right, and who love right, and GOD is not going to place one of His GOOD men with you if you are not going to show Him the same respect, honesty, and trust, that you both so rightfully deserve. Just hold on, He's just putting on His armor with GOD helping Him, so when things do happen....He'll know that GOD is still in control.
Hello to all my Blog Readers, I've been M.I.A for a while..but I've felt the need lately to share some thoughts with you all. Again thank you for your support.
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